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October 18, 2004

Hungarian Photography Pt 2

I'll still be posting a bit infrequently until the end of the month, when I hope things settle down.  Thanks again to people for dropping by to comment, or who sent emails with nice comments or informative links.

A recent post alluded to some of my initial favorites and thoughts regarding the discovery of several online resources for photography from Hungary, done by both natives and people from other countries.  Here are a few more of my recent favorites:

* Zoltan Vancso's "Silent Stills", both the first and second installment. 


Zotlan Vancso image, from Silent Stills

* The Horus Archive of Found Photography -- those who covet found photography should have a field day with this collection of artfully random (or randomly artful) snapshots.


Image from the Horus Archives

* Demeter Balla, who has an odd and varied assortment of still-lifes, collages, photograms, etc:


Szívem közepébe (1996), Demeter Balla image

* Sandor Sara, surreal black and white documentary images and images of people:


Sandor Sara image

* Andras Hajdu, who goes against the grain of the typical romantic and documentary portrayals of gypsies by using saturated color and compositions and poses derived more from fashion and commercial photography:


Andras Hajdu image

* Thanks especially to Peter for commenting on my previous post on Hungarian photography and including more good links.  Check them out...I especially liked Imre Benko's vast portfolio of artful documentary and street photography.  Make sure to look at Steel Town (1, 2, 3) and the Faces (1, 2, 3) series.


Imre Benko image, from Faces series

04:10 PM | Permalink


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Hi, you have marked my favorite hungarian photographs. It's nice to know, there's someone abroad, who can appreciate their work.

Posted by: marion from hungary at Nov 28, 2004 10:35:16 AM

Image from the Horus Archives... That skeleton pilot was more then a thousand words. That is a powerful image, that lets me think, no one is alone, even in the middle of a forested wilderness.

Posted by: Nate at Dec 2, 2004 1:43:07 PM

Can you tell me anything about Janos Denes Rockel, a photographer who was very active in the first half of the 20th Century?

Posted by: Karen Gregory at Jan 31, 2005 10:28:32 PM

this photo really sucks .
its really gray and poorly printed
just being honist

Posted by: rentabot at Jan 20, 2009 10:12:32 PM

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Posted by: Dnebiviza at Apr 1, 2009 12:09:32 AM

Great site,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it.Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.

Posted by: Generic Viagra at Nov 6, 2009 8:46:25 AM

Nicely Hungarian photography, one of the greatest photographs which I have ever seen, Regards.

Posted by: Dissertation Writing at Mar 25, 2010 2:10:28 AM