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March 19, 2004

New Design

To those who've visited here before, you've obviously noticed a different look. I'm still doing a bit of housekeeping behind the scenes, so my apologies if some links or archives are slightly out of whack. If you really like or dislike the new look, feedback is welcome, of course.

To people visiting here for the first time (and thanks to things magazine for the link this morning), some of the images in the archives are still being redone for the new template, so thanks for putting up with any housecleaning.

What I'll really need to work on is the photo albums, which are Typepad's biggest weakness, in my humble opinion. It's been a rough and relatively uneventful winter, photographically speaking, but I'm looking forward to adding new entries to the Portraiture and "Dreams of Dance" albums in the coming months.

The photo albums thing is important because any personal images I share will really not showcase very well in the new design, but I hope this site is a bit more readable and navigable overall. Thanks again to everyone who's emailed or commented with encouraging words.


"Amber and Michael" from "Dreams of Dance" series

01:19 PM | Permalink


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I think the new design looks absolutely fabulous! Well done!

Posted by: Joerg at Mar 19, 2004 5:56:04 PM

Your passion is inspiring. A truly fantastic place.

Posted by: Fitz at Mar 20, 2004 10:58:17 PM

Wow! This is really nice!

Posted by: Lisa Williams at Mar 23, 2004 4:50:25 PM