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March 08, 2004

Clarifications on One Emerging Photographer, And the PDN Emerging 30

Recently, I made a post on emerging photographers and the difficulty in accessing information or a glimpse of their worthwhile work online. One of the photographers I discussed in that post was Leonora Hamill, who was kind enough to drop me a note and indicate that her site was functioning OK on her end...I had had problems with navigating her interesting large format literary portraits. As it turns out, after some further research, I found that her site works fine in Internet Explorer on the PC and IE and Safari on the Mac -- though initially, not on Netscape 7.1 on the PC or Firebird on the Mac. I enjoyed the opportunity to view her images properly using the "mainstream" browsers for Windows and OS X, and UPDATE: it now works on all the browsers I've tried. Thanks Leonora!

Check them out, if you haven't done so...Hamill stages photographs of people with their favorite novel, producing a curious mix of novelistic atmosphere and contemporary distance. In her words, "I am interested in the intersection of the real world and the constructed world of the novel and in adding another layer to an individual's personality."


Luca, The Power and the Glory (Leonora Hamill image)

The March issue of PDN is out, and the lead story is the PDN 30, their annual list of emerging photographers to watch. A surprising number have little to no web presence to speak of (to be fair, many are recent graduates)...but one with an interesting website of portraits is Joseph Maida, a Yale graduate who uses friends and acquaintances in his contemporary portraits. Some of his work mines familiar themes in contemporary people photography, but there's a strong sense of color and detail in many of his images.


Joseph Maida image, from Interior Portraits series

Also worth checking out among the PDN 30 is Kristen Ashburn, a freelance photojournalist who has a luminous and tragic black and white photo essay on Aids in Zimbabwe and its ravaging effects. (Quicktime plugin slide show worked fine for me in Internet Explorer, not at all in Netscape)


Kristen Ashburn image, from HIV/AIDs in Zimbabwe

02:05 AM | Permalink


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That's one of those things that always gets overlooked by web programmers: They almost never check whether their site works on any other browser than the one they happen to use. I'm using Opera so I definitely know about all the problems you can have with people's sites.

Posted by: Joerg at Mar 8, 2004 9:26:39 AM